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Monday, October 7, 2019

Congratulations on your appointment.

In addition to the recruitment that Lentink carries out itself, we also use temporary employment agencies. Every day, therefore, various temporary employees work with us in various departments. Not for one day or a few weeks, but almost always with the intention of being able to work for us longer. How beautiful it is if it works so well on both sides that we can offer them a contract with us. On 1 October we were able to make no fewer than three people who have worked with us through Jaws for a period of time with a contract with us (Lentink) in Varsseveld. We hope that we can use the services of Jacko, Gerwin and Stef for a long time to come.

Are you also interested in working with us? Then check out our vacancy page!

Kind regards,

Jeroen Gesink

Tel. : (0031) (0) 315382130


Visit our website: www.lentink.nl (the current news items!)