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Monday, May 17, 2021

Lentink environmentally friendly on the road,

with solar panels and LED light.

The entire company is first provided with new roofs before the new solar panels are installed.


With the achieved platinum Ecovadis award in the back pocket, Lentink is taking the next environmentally friendly step.

Lentink has reached an agreement with GROENDUS (The solar power experts ) to have solar panels installed by them on the roofs of our entire company building this year.

Lentink's vision has always been based on the use, reuse, efficient transport and application of raw materials for decades, even before it became such a hype worldwide. Lentink (re) uses all its materials to create an end product and is economical with energy (fuels) and raw materials. We minimize the waste of materials and therefore have a minimal amount of waste. We actively contribute to minimizing energy consumption and CO2 emissions. We see our sustainable applications as an opportunity for both people and the environment. At Lentink, we create a cleaner and greener environment by reducing pollution and waste and by stimulating the 6S method for all our employees and with emphasis on our colleagues in the workplace.

In recent years, Lentink has deployed the necessary financial resources to enable Lentink to function sustainably as a “green” company where possible. As a result, the necessary savings in terms of consumption have been realized, but also where energy losses took place, it has been turned into the most positive possible result for the environment. Some examples of this are investing in a powder coating line with heat recovery and reduced energy use. The machines newly purchased in recent years are all energy-poor as far as possible, and the same applies to the reduced number of forklift trucks (traffic) within Lentink. Another example is insulating the industrial halls by installing sandwich panels, in order to reduce heat loss as much as possible, but at the same time to keep heat out as much as possible in the summer days. And of course this also applies the other way around, for cold in the winter days.

A large solar panel field will be placed on the roofs of Lentink in Varsseveld.

A recently held “lighting plan” study at Lentink has resulted in the decision to reinvest in new LED lighting for the entire company. Where Lentink had invested in the latest LED lighting a few years ago, the current LED lighting technology has once again taken a big step. The latest generation of LED lighting uses again less energy than the previous ones, and also provides much more light output. (50%) Our people experience this light as a bright “daylight” in the workplace, which makes it possible to assess products even better for quality during production. Working with the right lighting is of course always a “must do” within a working environment such as that of Lentink.



A lot of "daytime" light on the workplaces after installing the new LED light lines at Lentink.

Lentink's lighting plan.

Coming back to the solar panels that will be installed at Lentink this year. These panels will only be installed after a completely new roof has been installed on our factory, which also contributes to the environment, more insulation in winter and summer. The solar panels (power plant) on our roof will supply approximately 1,406 MWk per year. In the coming years, this will also lead to many tons of environmental savings with regard to Co2 emissions from normal energy extraction. The number of panels to be installed will amount to a total of around 4,200 panels.

In our previous and coming news items you can read more about the environmental improvements that Lentink is implementing where possible within the scope of Lentink as an organization.

Daniël Lentink is proud of the latest environmental measures in his entrepreneurial spirit.