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Monday, September 21, 2015

Where Lentink can spare the environment (internal and external), we try to use the energy as economical as possible with smart solutions to save on any form of energy, with the purpose, the environment to relieve as much as possible. Lentink has been approached at the beginning of 2015 by a reputable customer to be a participant in order to make a contribution to develop a product. With the target to use energy as minimal as possible, but to obtain much heat as possible. This heat must then remain continuously available without asking extra energy.

For each participating company was the target concerning the environment, the most inspiring to say yes to this proposal. For Lentink as steel manufacturing company, a beautiful new challenge to be able to cooperate in the reduction of energy, which is consumed worldwide in large quantities in this application.

This initiative of our client is co-created largely with the support of the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund, the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel.

Without their help the realization of a project of this magnitude would not have been possible.

What does participation in this project by Lentink, yielded more than “just” energy Save?

By participating in this project Lentink increase his knowledge and experience for further use of new metal methodologies. These new developments and expansion of knowledge we would deploy for further development and share, to get accessible for Lentink new branches. Lentink will in the upcoming period approach prospects, where the newly-acquired knowledge made possible by the European fund which could have added value for potential customers, could enthuse extra for getting Lentink record as new supplier. If Lentink succeeds in getting more customers and turnover this could lead to new jobs. This is also an intended aim of the Fund; by newly acquired knowledge of the participating companies in the region to maintain and create jobs.

Mv. M. Mustacevic, Hr.D. Lentink, Hr.M. Frima.