
Powder coating department

My name is Vincent de Beijer and I have been working at Lentink in Varsseveld since November 2017.

My daily activities include the powder coating of various plate parts and end products. Most of the products that we produce are central heating boilers for renowned customers such as; Remeha, Atag or Nefit.

What does your work consist of?

My daily activities include; powder coating, refinishing, hanging, collecting, checking and applying to the powder coating track of various extra small operations.

That can consist of seam sealing or the fitting of parts. 

My work starts at half past seven after which  we have a break three times together. Half past four is the end of working hours.  After I have clocked in on our shopfloor system, I can see exactly what my work is from hour to hour in the system.

Why did you start working at Lentink?

I started working here because the working atmosphere and order and tidiness within the company appealed to me enormously.  The working atmosphere is good among colleagues & together we produce a wide variety of great products for our customers. Of course, powder coating is my profession and I, together with my colleagues, ensure a nice final result. A good quality product for our customers.  Lentink gives me the chance to make myself more employable within the company, but of course powder coating remains my favorite activity.

At Lentink, people also have an eye for things like after work. I very much appreciate that attention is paid to outside business activities at Lentink.

So this year we are going to the Grandprix of Austria with those who have registered. I'm really looking forward to that.

I would also like to advise anyone looking for work and who is interested in production techniques to think about companies such as Lentink. Great job at an international company.