My hobby is technique
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I can fully apply my passion and knowledge of technology in the tool making department of Lentink. The great thing about tool making is that you have never finished learning. You learn something new every day. Hereby I will be guided by my colleague with experience of course.
After I have registered myself before the start of my work on that day, I can then enter my work from hour to hour on our shopfloor system. This system allows us to track our tools and production order planning throughout the entire company in real time. This planning is linked to our total production system so that we can monitor that tools are ready for they will be taken into production.
My work in tool making is diverse and includes, among other things, assembling various small and very large tools, creating parts, programming the EDM wire and zinc sparker and coming up with solutions for our production tools.
I started working here because Lentink was planning to redesign the tool shop professionally. In the meantime, this has actually been implemented, which means that the necessary work and internships have been created for trainees and future colleagues. All machines needed to develop and make tools have been purchased by Lentink and are operational. Think of conventional drill, cutter and lathes. But also the newest generation of CAD / CAM systems, CNC milling machines and CNC eroding machines such as wire and zinc sparkers are at our disposal. (EDM)
Furthermore, the working atmosphere and order and cleanliness within the company immediately appealed to me enormously
The working atmosphere is good among colleagues and together we produce a wide variety of tools. You can tell that the collegiality is good and everyone wants to help each other, it is a close team in our department. We are all responsible for the quality that we generate together. As a family business, Lentink has a strong eye for a pleasant working environment, people are central and you can also notice it in everything.
The Arbo rules are strictly adhered to within Lentink. The environment at Lentink is also not forgotten. An example is the neat separation of liquids in our department and the identified disposal thereof if necessary. That really appeals to me as an employee. At Lentink, procedures are strictly followed, as are safety inside and outside the company. We are all responsible for a clean and safe working environment.
Finally, what would you like to pass on to students looking for technical work?
Come and see Lentink. You will see that working in metal in the year 2019 can be very professional and modern. At Lentink you will experience that when you work with metal plates and metal coils your immediate working environment can be super clean, so it is nice to work in it. The new techniques are of course decisive, so that you work with your head and hands in practice at Lentink.